
Welcome back to the 2000s.
Hold on folks, still learning how to code.
Feedback and suggestions are always welcomed!

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Scroll down for some music ♫

a picture that you can't see


This website was made to emulate aesthetics from the 2000s era, predominantly frutiger aero. This aesthetic, among others, played a big role in shaping many people's childhoods, including my own. It had a very optimistic vision for what the future might look like, a future in which technology and nature could peacefully and beautifully coexist, which unfortunately is not how things turned out.

This project is one that I am taking on just as a hobby, so this website probably will not have much functionality to offer any time soon.

psst! You might like this cute cat music

Some tracks to take you back
Lease - Takeshi Abo
Over the horizon (2012) - Samsung music
2008 Toyota Corolla - Haylee

This webpage is still in the making, you might want to check out other websites for now.

I also make my own frutiger aero/early 2000s inspired music and art which I might upload here in the future, so be on the lookout for that ☺

Dear User, Thank you for visiting!